Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2020 Blogging

This is week we looked at our 2020 blog posts. Here is a graph I made. My worst month for blogging was May because we were in lock down and it was the school holidays. September and June have the same amount of blog posts. I have achieved my goal of 100 blog posts for 2020.


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  2. Hi Mercy!,
    Wow! What a big amount of blog posts you have posted. I really enjoyed reading your blurb. I really liked your DLO about your blog posts for 2020. What a great goal you have achieved this year. In my opinion, maybe proof read your blurb to look for any mistakes.

    Did you find it easy or hard, while blogging to reach your goal?

    Awesome Work!

    1. Hi Sakina!,
      Thank you for your advice, I will make sure to proof read my blog post. It was hard to reach my goal but in the end I managed to reach my goal.
      How many blog posts have you posted this year?

    2. Hi Mercy,
      I have posted 178 blog posts this year. Posting blog posts are really fun as I am able to share my learning to people and schools around the world. Do you think posting blog posts are fun too? Why?

    3. Hi Sakina,
      I think posting blog posts are quite fun as I am able to share my work with different people. What is your favourite blog post for this term?

    4. Hi Mercy,
      My favourite blog post this term would be the Operation Christmas Drop, as I had fun researching about it and learnt new information. How about you? What is your favourite blog post this term, and why?

    5. Hi Sakina,
      My favourite blog post for 2020 would be the Celebrity Endorsements, as I was able to look at how famous people are paid to support products. This was a really fun activity.

      Thank you! I had fun having a conversation with you.


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