Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Maori Revising

 We revised all the things we learnt during the past term. 

First we played a game were we had to try and memorise the cards. We also had to say the words that matched the picture on the card.

Then I answered some questions in Maori. I used the Maori dictionary to help me. One of the questions were: ko wai to hoa? Which means who is your friend. 

This task was a bit difficult because I had to use the Maori Dictionary.

Balancing with Table Tennis Equtiment

 Today we used table tennis equpment to help us with balance.

First Mr Ogilvie tought us how to hold a table tennis bat. We hold it like we are doing a handshake and then we hold the back side like a gun.

Then we were trying to bounce the ball on our table tennis bat by using our forehand as many times as we could I bounced it 61 times then it fell.

Then we bounced the ball again but with our backhand I bounced it 23 times then the ball fell.

Lastly we were playing a game of table tennis the challenger was the one that does the serve. The serve name was drop serve we had to drop the ball and hit it after it bounced. 

This was easy because I already know the skills to play table tennis.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Explaination Starter

I wrote 3 different titles and introductions in different categories. There are Basic Fact, Question Hook and Explain Emotion.

Basic Fact is stating a fact that is true. An example is How an Airplane Flies An airplane is an object that flies. An airplane needs lift, drag and thrust in order to fly.

question hook is when you ask the reader something that they don't know.  An example is Airplanes, do you know how it works? They fly by using lift, drag and thrust.

 Explain emotion is like trying to get the reader to get an emtional feeling while reading. An example is Airplane Madness 
If we don’t have airplanes or helicopters, then we wouldn’t have transport for people who want to travel. Airplanes uses thrust, drag, and lift when they fly.

Skim and Scanning

We used skimming and scanning to help us find information.

First we skimmed for the  six keywords. Skimming is acting the an airplane and reading along the book.

Then we scanned for 4 facts in chronological order. Scanning is like a helicopter and stop to look at that specific paragraph or information that you need.

I enjoyed this activity because using skimming, scanning and chronology helps my  work easier.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Measuring Different Lengths

My group, Mathmaticians and I measured different objects lengths.

First we measured different objects. Then we measured their lengths.

Next we wrote the measurmentof the objects length.

Lastly we took photos of the objects  on the slide.

I found this activity easy because all it was, was measuring objects length.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Maori Names

 We learnt the maori alphabet and people's names from maori to english.

First names we learnt are Irihapeti (Elizabeth), Hakopa (Jacob), Kararaina (Caroline), Tarati (Dorothy).

Then we wrote our names in maori my name is Mercy which in maori is Merki.

Lastly we picked 3 names of the maori names and compared it with maori colours.

I thought this activity was hard because I did not know a lot of maori the tools I used was maori dictionary and the maori dictionary didn't have all the names.

Balancing with Frisbees

We learned how to balance while throwing and catching frisbees.

First in partners we threw frisbees to each other and tried our best to land without moving.

Then in partners one person called out go and we ran to catch the frisbee. We also tried our best to land in the a direction.

Lastly we played ultimate frisbee with the skills we learned. We got into 2 teams and threw the frisbee into the goal without stepping into the shooting circle

I think need to practice more on catching and landing because I kept on moving when I trying to catch and land.

Friday, June 18, 2021


We were markting about toys. 

First we looked at a design from Mr Wong, his design was a party popper. He then told us to make a plan about a party poper.

Next, we listed the parts of the design. Our market was kindergarden aged children. The parts were plastic cup, rubber bands, folded paper, confitti, and a tooth pick. 

We then did the updated design. This was about the changes. Our group changed the plastic cup into a paper cup, the paper into a thicker paper, the confitti into a bigger confitii, and the tooth pick is the same. 

Lastly did the rational. We had to give the reason in why we chose it. We did the rational about our updated designs.

I enjoyed this task because I got to finish the task.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


The four basic turns are: ¼ turn, 1/2 turn, ¾ turn and 1 full turn. The two directions are clockwise and anticlockwise.

Explanation Topic Planner

I learnt how to write an explantion with a topic.

First we picked a topic that we want to write about.

Next we wrote three mechanism about our topic and have a information sorce.

Then we pick another topic.

I thought this was challenging for me because I kept on missing important mechnisims for my topic.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Object Locations

I learnt how to say object locations.
First we revise matua and maui, which means right and left respectively. 

Then we wrote sentences about food and the location. For example: Kea hea te aporo? Kei roto i te peke. This means where is the apple? The answer is It is inside the bag. 

I think I need to I learn more because I don't always understand how to answer the question.


I learned how to balance using tennis equipment.

First we bounced the ball on the tennis racket and tried our best to balance the ball.

Then in pairs we hit the ball that our partner threw to us.

Lastly in groups Joe threw the ball and we hit the ball over the net.

I found this activity hard because I kept hitting on not swinging my arm while I was hitting the ball.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Table Mat Information Gathering

We used skimming and scanning to record the ideas on task called table mat information.

First, our group read a book called New Zealand Filmmakers. It talks about New Zealand Filmmakers and what movies they created. We used skimming and scanning on the books.  Skimmming is to be like an airplane. You reading down the page looking for keywords. Scanning is like an helicoptor, you can stop and hover focusing on the piece of text.  

Next, we did the table mat activity. We had to find keywords and define 1 of them. we then switched chrome books with eachother and checked our work.

Lastly we did the what I would ask and the key questions. Key questions are questions the author thought about before writing the book. 

I enjoyed this activty because I used skimming and scaning to find imformation about a person I never heard about.

Friday, June 4, 2021


We learnt how to ask questions about where objects are (preposition).

We first learned some prepositions using our body parts.  The prepositions were runga (up or above), raro (down or below), matou (right), and maui (left).

We used preposition to find the scissors on a image. It was on the left of the image. We then had to define it in Maori. "Kei te taha maui ki te pepa" 

Next time I wil practise maui and matou because I was getting confused with matou. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

SSR Selfie | Ninja Kid 2

 I read 10 pages of Ninja Kid 2 by Anh Doo.

In this story Nelson is going to the dentist which he is afraid of. When he went to school it was raining and having a storm. When he got to school machines that include electricity have gone crazy and no one can take control.

I like the Ninja Kid ( Nelson Kane) because he trys to save everyone in his town even if he doesn't like them.

Ll: to summarise and retell a text.


We learned balancing by throwing, hitting and kicking different types of balls on one leg.There were five stations of PE equipment: soccer balls, tennis racket, tennis balls, hockey sticks, volley balls, egg and spoon.

I balanced a soccer ball on my forehead for more than 3 seconds and 3 knee jungles while balancing on one leg. I found this hard because the ball kept moving. This made me move around and not balance.

I hit a tennis ball 3 times with a tennis racket while balancing with on leg. I found this not hard because we moved less than the soccer ball.

I hit a hard ball with a hockey stick. I found this hard because you couldn't use the hockey stick to balance.

I held the spoon with an egg on top of it and tried to change levels. I found this hard because when I brought the egg and the spoon back up quickly I lost my balance.

 I diged or setted the a volley ball to our parnter. I found this easy becuse it was just hitting the ball to our parnter and I wasn't moving a lot.


 We learned how to write an explanation using mechanisms.

First, we wrote a mechanism for how chocolate is made.When the ingredients are combined and melted, they make a liquid.

Next, we wrote another mechanism. If you use a mold it will shape the liquid.  You then cool it so it will set. The finished chocolate is in the shape of the mold you used and sets when it is cooled.

Next we wrote a mechanism for how fireworks work. Gunpowder is packed in a very tiny space as a result it burns really fast. Potassium is the most important part of gunpowder. This is what propels the fireworks into the sky. The fuse is set alight and as it burns it ignites the gun powder. This happens slowly so you have time to move away from the firework anf thertefore you can stay safe.

Next time, I should work on my mechanisms.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a speed demon challenge on subtraction up to 20.

I finished in 4 minutes and got 100 out of 100.

I think I need to try a harder level on subtraction.


Reciprocal Reading

 This week we did reciprocal reading about World War 1 using  the roles of Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner and Summarizer. 

These helped us but Clarifier helped us the most because we found new words we didn't know. They helped me understand new main ideas for summarising Where We Lived.

I like this activity but Summarizer was my most favourite role.

When we did What We Invested the one that helped me the most was Predictior because the photos helped me guess what would happen in the PDF.

I like this activity but predicting was good because I got to guess what happend in the war and was pleased my guesses were correct.