Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Explaination Starter

I wrote 3 different titles and introductions in different categories. There are Basic Fact, Question Hook and Explain Emotion.

Basic Fact is stating a fact that is true. An example is How an Airplane Flies An airplane is an object that flies. An airplane needs lift, drag and thrust in order to fly.

question hook is when you ask the reader something that they don't know.  An example is Airplanes, do you know how it works? They fly by using lift, drag and thrust.

 Explain emotion is like trying to get the reader to get an emtional feeling while reading. An example is Airplane Madness 
If we don’t have airplanes or helicopters, then we wouldn’t have transport for people who want to travel. Airplanes uses thrust, drag, and lift when they fly.

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