Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Table Mat Information Gathering

We used skimming and scanning to record the ideas on task called table mat information.

First, our group read a book called New Zealand Filmmakers. It talks about New Zealand Filmmakers and what movies they created. We used skimming and scanning on the books.  Skimmming is to be like an airplane. You reading down the page looking for keywords. Scanning is like an helicoptor, you can stop and hover focusing on the piece of text.  

Next, we did the table mat activity. We had to find keywords and define 1 of them. we then switched chrome books with eachother and checked our work.

Lastly we did the what I would ask and the key questions. Key questions are questions the author thought about before writing the book. 

I enjoyed this activty because I used skimming and scaning to find imformation about a person I never heard about.

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